2021 IEEE GRSS & ISPRS Young Professionals & Student Consortium Summer School

2021 IEEE GRSS & ISPRS Young Professionals & Student Consortium Summer School

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{{'Receba_os_melhores_eventos_da_sua_area' | translate}}

{{'Receber_eventos' | translate}}

About the Event

The IEEE GRSS Young Professionals (YP) & ISPRS Student Consortium (SC) Summer School (SS) are events organized jointly in Brazil and supported by the two main international organizations in the field of remote sensing:

  • IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society: is a non-profit society, and its area of interest is the theory, concepts and scientific and engineering techniques applied to Remote Sensing of the Earth, ocean, atmosphere, and space. In addition, it is interested in the processing, interpretation, and dissemination of this spatial information.
  • International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing: is a non-governmental organization that aims to develop international cooperation for the advancement of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing and its applications.



{{'Label_CodigoPromocionalAplicadoComSucesso' | translate}}
{{'Label_Presencial' | translate}} {{'Label_Online' | translate}} {{'Label_PresencialEOnline' | translate}}


{{'Label_DoacaoAPartir' | translate}} {{item.valores[0].valor | currency:viewModel.evento.moeda}}

{{'Titulo_Gratis' |translate}} {{viewModel.configuracaoInscricaoEvento.descricaoEntradaGratis}}
{{entrada.valor | currency:viewModel.evento.moeda}} {{entrada.valor | currency:viewModel.evento.moeda}}  

{{entrada.valorComDesconto | currency:viewModel.evento.moeda}}

{{'Titulo_Ate' | translate}} {{entrada.validoAte |date: viewModel.evento.cultura.formatoData}}
{{'Titulo_Ate' | translate}} {{entrada.validoAte |date: viewModel.evento.cultura.formatoData}}
{{'Label_APartirDe' | translate}} {{entrada.validoDe | date:viewModel.evento.cultura.formatoData}}

{{'Titulo_NaoDisponivel' | translate}}






