★ {{item.tituloProjeto}} {{casearNomePessoal(item.autores)}} |
The use of
robots becomes common in different areas of modern society. Robots can assist
in activities, such as routine housework, dangerous tasks, and
industrial work. Therefore, opportunities to share and discuss emerging ideas
to improve robots abilities in performing these activities are essential for
the development of researches in this area.
The IV
Brazilian Humanoid Robot Workshop (BRAHUR) and V Brazilian Workshop on Service
Robotics (BRASERO) is an event that joins the Brazilian community to present
their current researches and promote discussions about relevant topics related
to robotics and artificial intelligence.
This year
the Brahur/Brasero event was organized by UNEB and supported by the Robocup
Brazil and CNPq. Due to the pandemic, it was held virtually through the
presentation of papers, speeches and discussions in the related area.
The event
of 2021 had the honour to receive the president of RoboCup Federation, Dr Peter
Stone, an invited speaker, who promoted a high-level discussion among the
participants. Besides, we had a special day dedicated to present works from
the Brazilian Service Robotics @home league. This day was essential to promote
collaborative research, discuss the pandemic effects on the projects, and
define actions to assist in the continuity of teams and their research.
proceeding brings together contributions of several authors, researchers,
students of undergraduate and graduate courses in Engineering and Computing,
who were presented and discussed during the event.
{{item.denominacao}} |
Universidade do Estado da Bahia - UNEB
ACSO - Núcleo de Arquitetura de Computadores e Sistemas Operacionais
Rua Silveira Martins, 2555.
CEP: 41.195.001. Cabula. Salvador, Bahia, Brasil.
{{'Não existem edições anteriores' | translate}}