

{{'Aguardando geração dos anais' | translate}}

- {{'Label_NenhumTrabalhoDisponivel' | translate}} -


{{item.tituloProjeto}} {{casearNomePessoal(item.autores)}}



EVACES aims to bring together engineers, scientists, researchers, and practitioners to provide a forum to disseminate and discuss latest developments and achievements in all major aspects of dynamic testing of civil engineering structures, including instrumentation, sources of excitation, data analysis, system identification, monitoring and condition assessment, in-situ and laboratory experiments, codes and standards, and vibration mitigation.

EVACES 2013 was held from October 28th to 30th 2013 at the Parque Metalúrgico – Convention and Performing Arts Center of the Federal University of Ouro Preto, in the city of Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais State, Brazil.

EVACES 2013 was sponsored by FAPEMIG, CAPES, IEME Brasil and GROM Acústica & Vibração.

For more information, please access www.ufjf.br/evaces2013

{{'Periodicidade da publicação' | translate}}
{{'Label_Idiomas' | translate}}
{{'Editor' | translate}}

{{'Periodicidade da publicação' | translate}}
{{'Label_Idiomas' | translate}}
{{'Editor' | translate}}


Flávio Barbosa (flavio.barbosa@engenharia.ufjf.br) and Alexandre Cury (alexandre.cury@engenharia.ufjf.br)

{{'Não existem edições anteriores' | translate}}