Publicado em 09/06/2023 - ISBN: 978-85-5722-785-9

Título do Trabalho
  • Maiki Soares de Paula
Apresentação de Pôster
Área temática
Genética de Microrganismos
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Página do Trabalho
Biogas, Agave, Biofuel, Biomethane
BIOGAS PRODUCTION FROM AGAVE JUICE MAIKI SOARES DE PAULA¹; GONÇALO AMARANTE GUIMARÃES PEREIRA¹; GUSTAVO MOCKAITIS²; MARCELO FALSARELLA CARAZZOLLE¹. 1 Institute of Biology, University of Campinas - UNICAMP 2 Faculty of Agricultural Engineering, University of Campinas – UNICAMP The use of fossil fuels is one of the main factors that contribute to climate change. Alternatively, fuels from renewable sources, such as biogas, are increasingly being used. Biogas is the result of the anaerobic digestion process of organic matter and is composed mainly of CH4 and CO2. Anaerobic digestion is carried out by communities of microorganisms that vary according to the inoculum, substrate, and process parameters. Plants of the Agave genus are grown commercially to produce fibers and alcoholic beverages and have been identified as potential substrates to produce biogas. The lignocellulosic composition of these plants and their ability to occupy areas of arid and semi-arid climate creates the opportunity for bioenergy production in marginal areas and unsuitable areas for other crops, increasing the productive capacity of renewable energy in the country without increasing competition for land use and water. Aiming to evaluate the potential of biogas production from agave plants, three different concentrations of agave juice was tested in biochemical methane production (BMP) essays. The concentrations of substrate were calculated as chemical oxygen demand (COD), being 1 g O2 L-1, 5 g O2 L-1 and 10 g O2 L-1, and inoculum was added in 1:1 proportion of volatile solids (g VS L-1). Manometric measurements were performed, and methane production were adjusted to the Boltzmann kinect model with two stages. The yields were 61,88, 241,07 and 263,39 NmL CH4 g O2-1, respectively. The rates for the first stage were 154,84, 99,87 and 7,99 NmL CH4 g O2 day-1, and for the second stage 0,83, 7,46 and 3,55 NmL CH4 g O2 day-1. These results show the potential for biogas production from agaves, making these plants a valuable crop for biofuel. As the next step, the microbial community may be assessed, aiming to identify key genes and metabolic routes of anaerobic digestion of agaves. Funding: CAPES; FAPESP
Título do Evento
V GBMeeting
Cidade do Evento
Título dos Anais do Evento
Anais do GBMeeting: Encontro Anual da Pós Graduação em Genética e Biologia Molecular da UNICAMP
Nome da Editora
Meio de Divulgação
Meio Digital

Como citar

PAULA, Maiki Soares de. BIOGAS PRODUCTION FROM AGAVE JUICE.. In: Anais do GBMeeting: Encontro Anual da Pós Graduação em Genética e Biologia Molecular da UNICAMP. Anais...Campinas(SP) Unicamp, 2023. Disponível em: https// Acesso em: 08/09/2024


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