Published in 12/12/2023 - ISBN: 978-65-272-0088-8

Paper Title
  • Marleane Maria Felix de Azevedo
  • Guilherme Severino Mendes de Araújo
  • Cleânio da Luz Lima; UFPI
  • Alexandre De Castro Maciel
  • Angel Alberto Hidalgo
  • Maria Leticia Vega
Subject area
Dispositivos eletrônicos e ópticos (OLED/OFET/OPVs/etc.)
Publishing Date
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Paper Page
Memory device degradation; Raman, MEV and EDS characterization; electroforming process
Resistive memories store information by switching between low resistance states (LRS) and high resistance states (HRS)1. The use of Raman and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) techniques together with EDS are of great help for elucidating temperature, structural and conformational changes. Mainly, morphological characteristics and alterations of the active layers and electrodes2 degradation of the device after several write/read/erase/read cycles can be characterized. In the present work, the effects of the degradation of a memory device formed by poly (2–methoxy–5-(2'ethylhexyloxy)-1,4-phenylene vinylene) (MEH-PPV) as active layer sandwiched between two electrodes, Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) and Aluminum (Al). This device has resistive memory behavior after electroforming. It was observed that the aluminum electrode after more than 100 cycles of erasing, reading, writing and reading began to show regions with defects. It is widely reported in the literature that in the electroforming process or repeated cyclic I-V measurements of devices containing metallic oxides can generate deformations in the upper electrode1. With the cited techniques, characterizations of the degraded region were carried out. One of the causes that leads to memory degradation is the production of O2 gas that generates protusions that advance causing fractures in the upper electrode, the SEM images show that in the degraded region there are areas with an approximately circular shape similar to O2 bubbles. The EDS analyzes show that in this region there are remnants materials that formed the device. All layers are altered, including the ITO electrode. To characterize these contributions, Raman measurements were carried out in the degraded region to evaluate the vibrational contributions of the different regions. Measurements were performed in three regions: onto the polymeric film (control), in the polymer/Al interface and a depth profile starting from the glass substrate and crossing the ITO layer to the film region. From this, MEH-PPV Raman spectra in the range of 900-1700 cm-1, which are dominated by polymer backbone vibrational modes, were analyzed using intensity calculus and FWHM to evaluate possible spectral changes in selected regions. It was observed that in the polymer-metal interface region these spectra retained practically the same features as in the polymeric surface region. Similar spectral observation was obtained by Li et al.3, where the reduced interfacial interaction between a silver film and the MEH-PPV layer was interpreted as due to the affinity that silver has with oxygen, allowing the formation of a native silver oxide at the interface. Thus, in our case, spectral characteristics indicate weak MEH-PPV/Al interfacial interaction, therefore formation of a native aluminum oxide layer at the interface may be considered since Al has strong affinity for oxygen. Acknowledgments: financial support from CNPq grant number, the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), and CAPES (Education Ministry) via the projects of the National Institute for Science and Technology on Organic Electronics (INEO). Laboratory Facilities were also financed by FINEP and FAPEPI. References 1MIAO, Feng et al. Anatomy of a nanoscale conduction channel reveals the mechanism of a high-performance memristor. Advanced materials, v. 23, n. 47, p. 5633-5640, 2011. 2GIORGETTI, E. et al. A study of the degradation of poly (3-octylthiophene)-based light emitting diodes by Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering. Applied Physics B, v. 79, n. 5, p. 603-609, 2004. 3LI, Dongbo; J. BORYS, Nicholas; LUPTON, John M. Probing the electrodepolymer interface in conjugated polymer devices with surface-enhanced Raman scattering. Applied Physics Letters, v. 100, n. 14, p. 141907, 2012.
Title of the Event
Workshop do INEO 2023
City of the Event
Nazaré Paulista
Title of the Proceedings of the event
Anais do Workshop INEO 2023
Name of the Publisher
Means of Dissemination
Meio Digital

How to cite

AZEVEDO, Marleane Maria Felix de et al.. MEMORY DEVICE DEGRADATION BASED ON SEMICONDUCTOR ORGANIC POLYMERS.. In: Anais do workshop INEO 2023. Anais...Nazaré Paulista(SP) Hotel Estância Atibainha, 2023. Available in: https// Access in: 02/01/2025


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