Published in 12/12/2023 - ISBN: 978-65-272-0088-8

Paper Title
  • Bianca Iustina Andreica
  • Alexandru Anisiei
  • Irina Rosca
  • Andreea Isabela Sandu
  • Liliana Mititelu-Tartau
  • Luminita Marin
Subject area
Síntese e caracterização de materiais
Publishing Date
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Paper Page
Quaternized chitosan, nanofibers, electrospinning, biocompatibility, antimicrobial activity, biodegradability
Quaternized chitosan-based (nano)fibers are a topic developed in the last decades, to reach materials for wound dressings, air and water filters, drug delivery scaffolds, antimicrobial textiles, energy storage systems, alkaline fuel cells, and so on. This is due to the properties brought by the quaternary groups, such as hydrophilicity, bioadhesiveness, antimicrobial, antioxidant, hemostatic, and antiviral activity, and ionic conductivity (1). However, the ionogenic character of quaternary chitosan hinders its electrospinning, and fibers of good quality were reported when synthetic polymers were used as co-spinning agents. Moreover, it was observed that a high quaternization degree induces a cytotoxic effect (2). These factors obstruct the use of fibers for in vivo biomedical applications, which require biodegradability and biocompatibility. To solve this issue, we propose an approach to prepare chitosan/quaternized fibers, using poly(ethylene glycol) with a double role: co-electrospinning agent and sacrificial component (3). The success of the strategy was proved by FTIR and NMR spectroscopy, and TGA analysis demonstrated the complete removal of the synthetic polymer. SEM analysis revealed fibers with an average diameter of around 160 nm, while WAXD corroborated with POM indicated their semicrystalline nature. The fibers swelled in water and in media of physiological pH, reaching swelling degrees up to 24 (g/g). They partially dissolved in these media, and biodegraded in the presence of lysozyme, with biodegradation rates controlled by HTCC’s content and pH, reaching complete biodegradation in 16 days in media mimicking the exudate over the wound healing period. The fibers showed reversible vapor water adsorption/desorption, pointing to good breathability, and 63% maximum moisture uptake capacity, similar to the commercial wound dressings. The mechanical properties fluctuated, giving values up to 49 MPa for tensile strength, 9 % for elongation at break, and 19 N/m2 for Young’s modulus, values which are comparable with those of many synthetic fibers or human skin. The adhesive force to chicken skin increased as the content of HTCC increased, reaching values of 1.36 N, pointing to good bioadhesion, fact also observed for the mucoadhesion tests, evaluated by UV-vis and Zeta potential measurements on mucin mixtures. Moreover, small amounts of samples containing HTCC inhibited the growth of E. coli and S. aureus in less than 6 h, and 24 h respectively, while materials based only on chitosan showed a limited antimicrobial effect. Tested in vitro, the samples showed cytocompatibility suitable for application as medical devices, while the in vivo testing on rats by subcutaneous implantation demonstrated no toxicity and no perturbance of the immune system. A good balance between the physical properties and the biological activities of the nanofibers can be attained for a moderate quantity of quaternized chitosan. All these data show the binary chitosan/quaternized chitosan fibers as valuable biomaterials for biomedical devices, the implantable ones being specially targeted, but are also promising candidates for wound healing applications. Funding: This work was supported by a grant of the Romanian Ministry of Education and Research, CNCS - UEFISCDI, project number PCE2/2021 within PNCDI III and from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement 873123. (1) Andreica, B.-I., Cheng, X., Marin, L. (2020). Quaternary ammonium salts of chitosan. A critical overview on the synthesis and properties generated by quaternization. Eur. Polym. J., 139, 110016. (2) Zhou, Y., Yang, H., Liu, X., Mao, J., Gu, S., Xu, W. (2013) Potential of quaternization-functionalized chitosan fiber for wound dressing. Int. J. Biol. Macromol. 52, 327–332. (3) Andreica, B.-I., Anisiei, A., Rosca, I., Sandu, A.-I., Pasca, A. S., Tartau, L. M., Marin, L. (2023). Quaternized chitosan/chitosan nanofibrous mats: An approach toward bioactive materials for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Carbohydr. Polym., 302, 120431.
Title of the Event
Workshop do INEO 2023
City of the Event
Nazaré Paulista
Title of the Proceedings of the event
Anais do Workshop INEO 2023
Name of the Publisher
Means of Dissemination
Meio Digital

How to cite

ANDREICA, Bianca Iustina et al.. BINARY CHITOSAN/QUATERNIZED CHITOSAN NANOFIBERS – FROM DESIGN TO POSSIBLE APPLICATIONS.. In: Anais do workshop INEO 2023. Anais...Nazaré Paulista(SP) Hotel Estância Atibainha, 2023. Available in: https// Access in: 08/09/2024


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