15th Latin American Conference on Physical Organic Chemistry (CLAFQO-15)

15th Latin American Conference on Physical Organic Chemistry (CLAFQO-15)

presencial EFI - Espaço Físico Integrado - Florianópolis - Santa Catarina - Brasil

The event has already ended


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About CLAFQO-15

The Organizing Committees cordially invites you to participate in the 15th Latin American Conference on Physical Organic Chemistry (CLAFQO-15), to be held in Florianópolis, Brazil, from November 13 - 18, 2022. CLAFQO-15 is the single most important Latin-American Conference for chemists active in physical organic chemistry and reactivity. Following the precedent set by previous conferences in the series, the scientific programme will consist of lectures presented by invited speakers, oral communications and poster sessions. We anticipate a highly stimulating in person conference, in the quiet and pleasant surroundings of Florianópolis, attended by scientists from both Hemispheres.

The present Conference will focus on the latest important advances in the field, and will offer further opportunities for the sort of high level discussions we have enjoyed over the twenty years since the First Conference in 1982.

We look forward to meet you in Florianópolis.


Vanderlei G. Machado
Chair - CLAFQO-15





General information

The Conference Venue is the EFI auditorium, which is located on the Campus Trindade of the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) at Florianópolis, Santa Catarina State - Brazil.

> Hotels and restaurants

Three hotels can be found close to the University: Hotel Quinta da Bica D’Água, Interclass FlorianópolisSuítes Trindade. Many other can be found on websites like Booking, Trip Advisor, Airbnb, among others.

Some restaurant suggestions near UFSC campus: check here

Tour to the Anhatomirim Island 

A tour to the Anhatomirim Island is planned for the 16th of November. During the tour, passengers will be able to contemplate the western region of the island of Santa Catarina (Florianópolis), including panoramic views of several islands and fortresses. There will be a stop for lunch in a beautiful beach.  The lunch is not included  in the tour ticket, it is optional and must be paid on-site, costing around 40 reais (around U$8) per person.

Tour cost (without lunch): R$ 85 (around U$ 16)
Boat departure: 1:00 pm on November 16, 2022
Lunchtime: Around 2 pm
Tour duration: Around 5 h

Limited tickets (100 units due to the boat size)! Secure your tour now and don't miss the beautiful Florianópolis sunset.

> The Conference Dinner

The Conference Dinner will be held at the Hotel Quinta da Bica D'Água, close to the Event Venue. 

Time: 8 pm

Click here for the directions.


The official language of the Conference will be English.

COVID information

For more information about current Brazilian health rules for travelers, read "Anvisa updates rules for travelers"

Photos of the event can be obtained by clicking here:

Guidelines for the Poster Sessions, Speakers, and Chairs

Complete Abstract book can be downloaded here: High resolution or Low resolution

Poster Sessions: For poster presentations please observe the following recommendations:

1) The poster should have the following dimensions: Width: from 80 to 90 cm / Height: from 100 to 120 cm;

2) It is mandatory that the poster is made with a string to hang on the poster board;

3) The number corresponding to each poster will be placed on the conference website and in the abstract book;

4) Each poster will be mounted on the board marked with its respective number. For odd numbers, please mount the poster on Monday afternoon. For even numbers, please mount the poster on Tuesday Morning. Please remove your poster at the end of each poster session;

5) The posters will be presented in two sessions, considering the following order:

Poster session 1 (November 14): odd numbers

Poster session 2 (November 15): even numbers

> Speakers

The Organizing Committee suggests, to better organize each presentation session, that the presentation file be made available to the person in charge, preferably at least 30 minutes before the beginning of the session in which the lecture will be presented. The presentation file should be in Power Point format, preferably in 4:3 screen format, for better visualization. For you presentation a projector and computer will be provided. 

Approximate presentation time is 45 minutes for Plenary Lectures, 30 minutes for Invited Lectures, and 15 minutes for Keynote Lectures. At least 5 minutes of each lecture are reserved for questions from the audience.

> Chairs

The chair responsible for the session will find a member of the event organization team at his/her disposal who will assist him/her with the technical aspects necessary for the progress of the presentations.

It is suggested that the chair contact the responsible person at least 15 minutes before the start of the session to ensure that everything is in order.

Full Program (with chairs) (PDF - download here)

Short Program




Due to the high number of people registered for the event, registration was closed.

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Conference venue

About Florianópolis

Florianópolis is the capital of the state of Santa Catarina and is among the Brazilian cities with the highest Human Development Index (HDI). The city encompasses the main island, known as the Santa Catarina Island, the mainland, in addition to some small surrounding islands. Worldwide known for its natural beauty, Florianópolis is modern and cosmopolitan, but at the same time charming and rustic. It contain innumerable parks, natural reserves, squares, large lagoons, sand dunes (and much more) scattered throughout the territory. However, one of the biggest attractions are the beaches (more than 100 registered), each one with a distinctive feature, being possible to please everyone. In addition to the tourism sector, the main economic activities in the city are based on the information technology, services and fishing sector.

For more information about the city of Florianópolis, can be found here and here.




  • Frank Quina, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil.
  • Eduardo Humeres, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil.
  • Eusebio Juaristi, CINVESTAV-IPN, México.
  • Norma Nudelman, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Roberto A. Rossi, INFIQC, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina.
  • Oswaldo Nuñez, Universidad Simón Bolívar, Venezuela.
  • Paulina Pavez, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile
  • José G. Santos, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile.
  • Jairo Quijano, Universidad Nacional, Medellín, Colombia



  • Brenno Amaro da Silveira Neto (Universidade de Brasília)
  • Carla Cristina Schmitt Cavalheiro (Universidade de São Paulo)
  • Claudio José de Araujo Mota (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro)
  • Elisa Souza Orth (Universidade Federal do Paraná)
  • Fabricio Gava Menezes (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte)
  • Jairton Dupont (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul)
  • Lizandra Maria Zimmermann (Universidade Regional de Blumenau)
  • Omar A. El Seoud (Universidade de São Paulo)
  • Pierre Mothé Esteves (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro)
  • Raphael Nagao (Universidade Estadual de Campinas)
  • René Alfonso Nome Silva (Universidade Estadual de Campinas)
  • Robson da Silva Oliboni (Universidade Federal de Pelotas)

LOCAL COMMITTEE - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

  • Adriana Passarella Gerola
  • Antonio Luiz Braga
  • Bruno Silveira de Souza
  • Daniela Zambelli Mezalira
  • Eduard Westphal
  • Eduardo Humeres
  • Giovanni Finoto Caramori
  • Hugo Gallardo
  • Ismael Casagrande Bellettini
  • José Paulo P. Cândido
  • Josiel Barbosa Domingos
  • Juliana Priscila Dreyer
  • Nito Angelo Debacher
  • Ricardo José Nunes
  • Rosely Aparecida Peralta
  • Rosendo A. Yunes
  • Vanderlei Gageiro Machado (Chairman)


