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International Symposium on Agricultural and Agroindustrial Waste Management
100% online
3rd to 5th of November 2021
Technologies for waste transformation, reuse and disposal: Will be accepted papers of basic and applied research that expands scientific principles that may have manufacturing implications of technologies for waste/wastewater treatment and recovery of benefit by-products. Strategies that promote environmental impacts mitigation from process of generation, treatment and/or final destination residues. Studies with different levels of technological maturity are accepted (from basic research to prototype application).
By-products application for agricultural, forestry and livestock use: New approaches on adding value focus for direct use or formulation of assets that allow the cycling of nutrients as soil fertilizers and/or soil conditioners from agricultural, livestock and agroindustry wastes. Works that relate practical approach to use of waste as fertilizers and impacts on food production, forestry and other cultivable biomass crops are welcome. Applications for animal nutrition and new agro-industrial processes will also be included in this topic.
Environmental impacts to the air, soil, water and plant system: Studies of impact assessment resulting from the systems that generate waste and its management, through LCA and related tools (footprints, material balance, etc.). In this topic, works will be considered that include studies of environmental impact monitoring up to approaches that relate to the circular economy. Works addressing political, economic and social aspects (e.g. ESG context) are also welcome.
Waste to energy: Systemic approaches related to the energy generation and use of waste by various processes (eg: thermochemical, biological...), and/or which demonstrate studies on energetic use. Studies involving the use of by-products from gas transformations (eg methane reform, singas, green hydrogen...) are also welcome.
Refractory and persistent substances: Impact monitoring studies and/or proposals for the treatment of toxic substances, that are difficult treatment and persistent in the environment. Innovative studies of analytical methods development and validation are welcome.
One health and food safety: Studies involving a unique health-related concept (e.g., diseases of agricultural, animal and human health interest; spread of antibiotic resistance; etc.) and/or that address risks or challenges involving food safety by mitigating impacts from agricultural, livestock and agroindustrial waste.
Cases: Technical reports of real cases of monitoring productive environments and/or validating technology in full-scale. Mature technologies will be considered for this category, with details of technical data that allow measuring efficiency and effectiveness in real conditions.
Airton Kunz
Aleixo Dellagnelo
Alessandro Sanches Pereira
Ana Caroline Martimiano
Barbara Renate Amon
Camila Michels
Daniel Andres Salas Marquez
Edmundo Muñoz Alvear
Fabiane Goldschmidt Antes
Francisco Salazar Sperberg
Gislaine Fongaro
Heidi Schalchli
Category | Early Registration (Until 17th, October) | Regular Registration (From 18th October to 2th November) |
Professional/Researcher | R$ 250.00 | R$ 300.00 |
Student * | R$ 125.00 | R$ 175.00 |
Paper Author | R$ 100.00 | None |
Sbera Members/Scientific Reviewer | Free | Free |
* For undergraduation and graduation students, a letter of confirmation from the Head Unit must be sent upon registration
07/15/2021 - 10/13/2021
Important information
(1) the event's scientific committee in the evaluation process will select abstracts that have the potential to be published as articles in the journal;
(2) the selected articles are suggested for the journal and in mutual agreement (review and committee), the selected works that are within the scope of the journal will be defined;
(3) The journal makes a formal invitation to authors with the conditions for submission.
- In the invitation will be formalized:
a) a deadline for authors who accept the invitation to submit their submission in the journal's system;
b) we do not guarantee approval of the article, which will follow the journal's conventional editorial flow;
c) the publication fee will not be charged if the article is accepted;
Scope and areas of publication
The organizing committee is composed by researchers, professors and students:
General Coordinator: Ricardo Luís Radis Steinmetz (Embrapa Suínos e Aves/ Sbera - Brazil)
Financial Coordinator: Fabiane Goldschmidt Antes (Embrapa Suínos e Aves/ Sbera - Brazil)
Marketing: Vanessa Theodoro Rezende (Universidade de São Paulo/ Sbera - Brazil)
Agriculture Coordinator: Vinicius Benites (Embrapa Solos/ Sbera - Brazil)
Livestock Coordinator: Francisco Salazar Sperberg (INIA - Chile)
Agroindustry Coordinator: María Cristina Diez (Universidad de La Frontera - Chile)
General Scientific Coordinator: Helen Treichel (Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul/ Sbera - Brazil)
Scientific Advisor: Julio Cesar Pascale Palhares (Embrapa Pecuária Sudeste/ Sbera - Brazil)
Scientific Advisor: Heidi Schalchli (Universidad de La Frontera - Chile)
Secretary: Aline Frumi Camargo (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - Brazil)
Secretary: Thamarys Scapini (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - Brazil)
Secretary: Camila Michels (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - Brazil)